Antigonish Palliative Care Society
Our Brochure
Remembrance, Love, And Light – A Virtual Service
These past months have been a time of great loss for many. We invite you to take part in An Evening of Remembrance, Light and Love through the virtual service below. We hope you enjoy the music, readings and messages of love for those who have died and comfort for those who remain behind.
Anne Camozzi donates books to Palliative Care Society to be enjoyed by patients while in the new PC unit.
Members from Antigonish Palliative Care L to R: John R. MacDougall, Joyce vanBerkel, Anne Marie Long & Larry Starzomski
“Palliative care takes as its starting point the belief that life is meant to be lived fully, with dignity and comfort, until its end. The importance of taking compassionate care of those, young or old, who need and deserve comfort and support at the end of life, is assumed in all of our work. We look forward to the day when the recognition of palliative care as a necessity, not a luxury, is universally accepted, and we work toward that goal”.
Our vision embraces the provision of quality care for people with advanced end of life illnesses and their families in Antigonish Town and County!
“Palliative care at home was my last great gesture of love to my wife. I knew exactly what was happening with her and how to care for her, rather than having to ask someone how she was.”
Community Based Palliative Care
The Palliative Care Program at St. Martha’s Regional Hospital encompasses both Inpatient Palliative Care & Community Based Palliative Care. The Inpatient Palliative Care unit is located on the 4th floor of the hospital; although, palliative patients can be admitted to any of the medical units. Offices of the Palliative Care Nurse Consultants and the Palliative Care Physicians are also located on the 4th floor- but are located in the Cancer & Supportive Care wing.

Example of some equipment in use by our community. This equipment provided by the Antigonish Town and County Palliative Care Society makes it possible for palliative care patients to live at home while receiving outpatient care.
Community Based Palliative Care supports their patients by offering home visits, telephone visits and clinic visits.
There are two types of referrals to the Palliative Care Program:
- Medical Referral – Also known as a ‘physician to physician’ referral.
- Nursing Referral – A referral to a Palliative Care Nurse Consultant is not required to come from a physician.
“Some people want to stay home because they’re not comfortable in a hospital setting, but often it’s just that home is where they want to be. People often say ‘There’s no place like home,’ and we want them to know there are resources that can support them in that decision.”
Helpful Links
The Antigonish Town & County Palliative Care Society relies on donations from people in the community. Without donations, it can’t continue. Every dollar counts when it comes to helping to pay for the homecare equipment and in-home support required for someone requiring palliative care at home.
Memorial Donations and Contributions may be made to:
Antigonish Palliative Care Society
P.O. Box 996
Antigonish, Nova Scotia
B2G 2S3
Plaques were awarded to John R. MacDougall and Anne Marie Long for their years of service, and in particular their determination in seeing the Palliative Care unit become a reality.
Antigonish Palliative Care Members from L to R: Larry Starzomski, Chuck Boyd, Anne Marie Long, John R. MacDougall, Joyce vanBerkel & Dr. Phillip Cooper
“Palliative care does not just treat diseases — it treats people, and the families and communities around those people,”
“We’re treating symptoms to improve a person’s quality of life and, hopefully, longevity.”